Ogled Medveda v Naravnem Okolju

31. marec 2019

Laris Survival School je v Sloveniji ena izmed vodilnih šol preživetja v naravi, ki ponuja: - NOVO!!! Ogled medveda v naravnem okolju - fotolov - Usposabljanja za preživetje v divjini in urbanem okolju, (za otroke, odrasle , družine, seniorje) - Sledenje divjadi in opazovanje velikih zveri v naravnem okolju (medved), - Tečaje o užitnih rastlinah, - Permakultura - delavnice, vrtnarjenje brez prekopavanja zemlje - Vodenje na prostem - Team building programe

NOVO!!! Ogled rjavega medveda v naravnem okolju in fotolov

S 01. 05. se začne sezona ogleda naše največje zveri v naravnem okolju - to je RJAVI MEDVED.

Sezona se načeloma konča konec septembra.

OBVEZNA OPREMA: Primerna obutev, topla, nešumeča oblačila, plastenka z vodo, fotoaparat brez bliskavice

Lokacija: Notranjska. Oddaljenost iz Ljubljane 50 - 60 minut vožnje. Točno zbirno mesto in čas zbora izveste ob prijavi, prav tako boste prejeli dodatne informacije v zvezi z ogledom medveda v naravnem okolju.

Opazovalnica sprejme 2-4 osebe in profesionalnega vodnika z izkušnjami - lovec, kateri je stalno navzoč.

Predhodne prijave zelo zaželjene, termini se namreč hitro polnijo.

Da boste videli medveda, saj se je potrebno primerno obnašati in upoštevati navodila vodnika, poleg tega pa se vsi zavedamo, da to ni "živalski vrt" - malo za šalo, precej zares. Odstotek uspešnosti - videti medveda - je zelo visok.

Trajanje: 3-4 ure, v poznem popoldanskem času, vsekakor pred mrakom.


4 osebe - 60 € / osebo

3 osebe - 80 € / osebo

2 osebi -  120 € / osebo

NOVO NOVO NOVO : EKSKLUZIVNO! Dvodnevni paket, 2x nočitev v apartmaju z zajtrkom, 2x ogled medveda, delavnica preživetja v naravi + hrenovke v testu

Dodatna poudba za naše skupine po predhodnem dogovoru:

  • Ogled medvedjega brloga - 50 € / skupino (2-4 osebe)
  • Dvodnevni program (2x opazovanje, 2 nočitev z zajtrkom in delavnica preživetja v divjini) - KLIKNI TU
  • Narezek in napitek po ogledu medveda  20 € / osebo
  • Garantiramo nepozabno doživetje. 

Več info na 041 393 494, info@sola-prezivetja.si

Projekt opazovanja rjavega medveda ter ostalih divjih živali izvajamo na območju Notranjske.

Prijave in morebitna vpršanja nam posrdujte preko obrazca za povpraševanje (spodaj) ali na info@sola-prezivetja.si ali 041 393 494. 

Rjavi medved (Ursus arctos) je eden največjih zveri, ki živi v Sloveniji. Je velik, močan in prepoznaven po svoji rjavi dlaki ter značilni gobasti grbi na ramenih. V Sloveniji je rjavi medved prisoten v večjem delu države, predvsem v goratih in gozdnatih območjih.

Odrasel rjavi medved lahko doseže dolžino do 2,5 metra in težo do 250 kilogramov. Samice so običajno manjše in lažje od samcev. Rjavi medved ima močne, mišičaste okončine in ostre kremplje, ki jih uporablja za lovljenje hrane in premikanje po težavnem terenu. Ima tudi zelo dober vonj in sluh, ki mu pomagata pri iskanju hrane ter prepoznavanju nevarnosti.

Rjavi medved je v Sloveniji zaščitena živalska vrsta, ki je zavarovana z zakonom. Medvedi se hranijo z različnimi rastlinskimi in živalskimi viri, odvisno od letnega časa in razpoložljivosti hrane. V poletnih mesecih se najpogosteje prehranjujejo z rastlinsko hrano, kot so jagode, oreščki, zelišča in korenine, v jesenskih mesecih pa se pogosto prehranjujejo z ribami, mesom, jajci in drugo živalsko hrano.

Rjavi medvedi so lahko nevarni za ljudi, zlasti če se čutijo ogrožene ali če jih presenetimo v njihovem naravnem okolju. Zato je pomembno, da ohranjamo primerno varnostno razdaljo in se izogibamo vstopu v območja, kjer je znano, da medvedi prebivajo. V Sloveniji obstajajo tudi številni programi za preprečevanje konfliktov med medvedi in ljudmi, ki pomagajo zmanjšati število incidentov in ohranjati naravno ravnovesje v gozdovih.

Več o rjavem medvedu: KLIKNI TUKAJ


Watching a brown bear in its natural environment and photo hunting

From 05/01, the season of viewing our largest animal in its natural environment begins - that is, the BROWN BEAR.

The season generally ends at the end of September.

MANDATORY EQUIPMENT: Suitable footwear, warm, non-fussy clothing, water bottle, camera without flash

Location: Notranjska. Distance from Ljubljana 50 - 60 minutes drive. You will find out the exact meeting place and time of the meeting upon registration, and you will also receive additional information regarding viewing the bear in its natural environment.

The observatory accommodates 2-4 people and a professional guide with experience - a hunter who is constantly present.

In the late afternoon, embark on a unique adventure at the Brown Bear Visitor Nordic Centre Bloke. Gain insights into the brown bear’s presence in Slovenia and its impact on Bloke Territory. Receive safety instructions for a successful brown bear observation.

Our expert guide will lead you deep into the forest, a 10-minute drive from location. After a simple forest walk, ascend to a hunting hideout. Quietly observe animals, including a brown bear.

Program starts 5-6 pm, duration 2-3 hours.

Be ’Bear friendly’—coexist with bears. Your participation supports brown bear conservation. Make a difference in preserving their environment

Pre-registration is highly desirable, as appointments fill up quickly.

In order to see a bear, you need to behave appropriately and follow the guide’s instructions, and besides, we all know that this is not a "zoo" - a bit of a joke, quite a bit of a joke. The percentage of success - seeing a bear - is very high.

Duration: 2-3 hours, in the late afternoon, definitely before dusk.

The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is one of the largest animals living in Slovenia. It is large, strong and recognizable by its brown fur and characteristic mushroom hump on its shoulders. In Slovenia, the brown bear is present in a large part of the country, especially in mountainous and forested areas.

An adult brown bear can reach a length of up to 2.5 meters and a weight of up to 250 kilograms. Females are usually smaller and lighter than males. The brown bear has strong, muscular limbs and sharp claws, which it uses to catch food and move over difficult terrain. It also has a very good sense of smell and hearing, which help it find food and recognize danger.

The brown bear is a protected animal species in Slovenia, which is protected by law. Bears feed on a variety of plant and animal sources, depending on the season and food availability. In the summer months, they mostly feed on plant foods such as berries, nuts, herbs, and roots, and in the fall months, they often feed on fish, meat, eggs, and other animal foods.

Brown bears can be dangerous to humans, especially if they feel threatened or surprised in their natural habitat. Therefore, it is important to maintain a suitable safety distance and avoid entering areas where bears are known to reside. In Slovenia, there are also many programs for the prevention of conflicts between bears and people, which help to reduce the number of incidents and maintain the natural balance in the forests.


Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are large mammals that belong to the Ursidae family. They are found in various habitats across the Northern Hemisphere, including North America, Europe, and Asia. Brown bears are highly adaptable and can inhabit a range of environments, from dense forests to open tundra and mountainous regions.

Here are some key aspects about brown bears:

1. Physical Characteristics:

  • Size: Brown bears are among the largest land predators. Adult males typically weigh between 600 to 1,400 pounds (270 to 635 kilograms), while females are smaller, weighing between 200 to 600 pounds (90 to 270 kilograms).
  • Coloration: Their fur can vary in color, ranging from light brown to dark brown or even black. The fur on their back often has a grizzled or "grizzly" appearance, giving some individuals the name "grizzly bear."
  • Hump: A distinctive shoulder hump is present in brown bears, which consists of muscle mass and is more prominent in males. This hump is not related to fat storage, as is commonly believed.

2. Habitat and Distribution:

  • Brown bears can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, tundra, mountains, and coastal areas.
  • They have a wide distribution, with different subspecies inhabiting North America, Europe, and Asia. Some well-known subspecies include the grizzly bear in North America and the Eurasian brown bear.

3. Behavior and Diet:

  • Brown bears are omnivores, with a diet that includes a wide range of foods such as berries, grasses, roots, insects, fish, and mammals.
  • They are known for their ability to fish for salmon, particularly in coastal regions where this food source is abundant.
  • During the fall, brown bears often enter a state of hyperphagia, where they consume large amounts of food to build up fat reserves for the winter months.

4. Hibernation:

  • Brown bears are known for hibernating during the winter months, although the duration and depth of hibernation can vary among populations.
  • During hibernation, their heart rate and metabolism decrease, and they rely on stored fat for energy.

5. Reproduction:

  • Brown bears generally have a slow reproductive rate. Female bears give birth to one to four cubs during the winter denning period.
  • Cubs are born blind and helpless, and they stay with their mother for several years before becoming independent.

6. Conservation Status:

  • The conservation status of brown bears varies among populations. Some populations are stable, while others are threatened or endangered.
  • Conservation efforts, habitat protection, and responsible management practices are crucial for ensuring the survival of brown bear populations.

7. Interaction with Humans:

  • Brown bears have been featured prominently in the folklore and mythology of many indigenous cultures.
  • Human-bear conflicts can arise, especially when bears come into contact with human settlements or compete for resources.

It’s important to note that brown bears are a diverse group with distinct behaviors and adaptations depending on their geographic location and subspecies. Conservation efforts and responsible wildlife management are essential to ensure the continued existence of these magnificent creatures.

NEW NEW NEW : Exclusive two-day package, 2x overnight stay in an apartment with breakfast, 2x bear viewing, survival workshop in nature + hot dogs in dough



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