Dvodnevna pustolovščina v naravi
Zapustite vsakdan in se odpravite na nepozabno doživetje v objem narave! Naš paket vključuje vse, kar potrebujete za popoln pobeg v divjino - od razkošnih nočitev do srečanja z medvedi in razburljive delavnice preživetja.
Pustolovščina v Naravi: 2 x Nočitev v apartmaju z Zajtrkom, 2 x Nepozaben Ogled Medveda in Delavnica Preživetja + hrenovke v testu!
Zapustite vsakdan in se odpravite na nepozabno doživetje v objem narave! Naš paket vključuje vse, kar potrebujete za popoln pobeg v divjino - od razkošnih nočitev do srečanja z medvedi in razburljive delavnice preživetja.
Dva dni razkošnih nočitev z zajtrkom:
Udobno se namestite v naše udobne apartmaje, obdane z zelenimi gozdovi in svežim zrakom. Zajtrk je pripravljen z ljubeznijo, sestavljen iz lokalnih dobrot, ki vam bodo dala energijo za dan poln raziskovanja.
Dva Nepozabna Ogleda Medvedov:
Pridružite se nam na navdušujočem safariju v gozdu, kjer boste imeli priložnost opazovati medvede v njihovem naravnem habitatu. Izkušeni vodiči bodo delili zanimiva dejstva in zgodbe o teh čudovitih bitjih, ki bodo vaš obisk naredile edinstven in izobraževalen.
Delavnica preživetja v naravi:
Postanite pravi gozdovniki! Naša delavnica preživetja v naravi vam bo omogočila, da se naučite osnovnih veščin preživetja, od kurjenja ognja do postavljanja zavetišča. Izkušeni inštruktorji vam bodo podali dragocene nasvete, ki vam bodo v prihodnosti prišli prav, ne glede na to, ali ste ljubitelj narave ali popoln začetnik.
Odkrijte svojo pustolovščino:
Vaš pobeg v naravo ne bo le dopust, temveč tudi priložnost za povezovanje z okoljem in raziskovanje neokrnjene lepote divjine. Svež zrak, čisti gozdovi in nepozabna doživetja bodo napolnili vaša srca s spomini, ki jih boste nosili s seboj za vedno.
Ne odlašajte, rezervirajte svojo avanturo zdaj in doživite povezavo z naravo na način, ki ga še nikoli prej niste!
1. dan popoldan : Prihod na lokacijo ob predhodno dogovorjeni uri, in namestitev v apartma Lavrič, (Nova vas - na Blokah), nato sledi približno 3 ure dolg ogled medveda, nočitev v apartmaju
2. dan: Zajtrk na lokaciji, 3 h delavnica preživetja v naravi + hrenovke v testu, prosti čas ali izlet v bližnjo okolico, zvečer približno 3 ure dolg ogled medvedov (do mraka), nočitev v apartmaju
3. dan: Zajtrk in odhod domov do 10h
Adventure in Nature: 2 x Overnight stay in an apartment with Breakfast, 2 x Unforgettable Bear View and Survival Workshop + hot dogs in dough!
Leave everyday life and go on an unforgettable experience in the embrace of nature! Our package includes everything you need for the perfect wilderness escape - from luxurious overnight stays to bear encounters and exciting survival workshops.
Two days of luxurious accommodation with breakfast:
Get comfortable in our comfortable apartments, surrounded by green forests and fresh air. Breakfast is prepared with love, consisting of local delicacies that will give you energy for a day full of exploration.
Two Unforgettable Bear Views:
Join us on an exciting safari in the forest, where you will have the opportunity to observe bears in their natural habitat. Experienced guides will share interesting facts and stories about these wonderful creatures that will make your visit unique and educational.
Survival workshop in nature:
Become real foresters! Our wilderness survival workshop will allow you to learn basic survival skills, from starting a fire to building a shelter. Experienced instructors will give you valuable advice that will come in handy in the future, whether you are a nature lover or a complete beginner.
Discover your adventure:
Your escape to nature will not only be a vacation, but also an opportunity to connect with the environment and explore the unspoiled beauty of the wilderness. Fresh air, clean forests and unforgettable experiences will fill your hearts with memories that you will carry with you forever.
Don’t delay, book your adventure now and experience a connection with nature like never before!
Day 1 in the afternoon: Arrival at the location at the previously agreed time, and accommodation in the apartment Lavrič, (Nova vas - Bloke), followed by an approximately 3-hour long tour of the bear, overnight stay in the apartment
Day 2: Breakfast at the location, 3-hour workshop on survival in nature + hot dogs in dough, free time or a trip to the surrounding area, in the evening about 3 hours long bear viewing (until dusk), overnight stay in the apartment
Day 3: Breakfast and departure home by 10am
Brown Bear Observation in Slovenia: A Unique Wildlife Experience
Slovenia is one of the best places in Europe to observe the majestic brown bear in its natural habitat. With over 1,000 bears roaming its vast forests, Slovenia offers a rare opportunity for nature lovers, wildlife photographers, and adventure seekers to experience these magnificent creatures up close while ensuring their conservation and safety.
Why Slovenia is a Top Destination for Brown Bear Watching
1. High Brown Bear Population
Slovenia is home to a thriving population of brown bears, particularly in the dense forests of Notranjska and Kočevsko regions. The well-balanced ecosystem and conservation efforts have allowed these bears to flourish, making Slovenia a prime destination for responsible wildlife tourism.
2. Ethical and Sustainable Tourism
Unlike some destinations where wildlife tourism can be invasive, Slovenia promotes ethical bear watching. Professional guides and wildlife experts lead small-group tours to minimize disturbance to the bears while providing an educational and unforgettable experience for visitors.
3. Diverse Wildlife and Scenic Beauty
Beyond bears, Slovenia’s forests are home to a rich variety of wildlife, including lynxes, wolves, deer, and numerous bird species. The breathtaking landscapes of mountains, deep forests, and crystal-clear rivers enhance the experience, making it perfect for nature enthusiasts.
Best Places for Brown Bear Observation in Slovenia
1. Kočevsko – The Secret Forest
Kočevsko is one of the wildest regions in Slovenia, often referred to as the “Secret Forest” due to its untouched nature. Guided tours here offer an excellent chance to see brown bears in their natural environment while learning about their behavior and conservation.
2. Notranjska Region – The Heart of Bear Country
Notranjska, including the Bloke Plateau, is another hotspot for bear watching. The dense forests and well-preserved natural areas provide ideal conditions for bears, making it a top destination for observation tours.
3. Loška Dolina and Snežnik Forests
These areas, known for their vast wilderness, are among the best places for bear spotting. The guided tours take place in remote locations where the chances of encountering a bear in the wild are significantly high.
What to Expect on a Brown Bear Watching Tour
1. Expert-Led Experiences
All bear watching tours are led by experienced guides who ensure safety while providing valuable insights into bear behavior, habitat, and conservation efforts.
2. Responsible Wildlife Encounters
Tours typically take place in the evening when bears are most active. Visitors observe from safe, camouflaged hides, ensuring minimal disturbance to the animals.
3. Photography Opportunities
Wildlife photographers will find these tours an excellent chance to capture stunning images of brown bears in their natural surroundings. The golden light of sunset often provides the perfect conditions for breathtaking shots.
Tips for an Unforgettable Bear Watching Experience
Choose Ethical Tours: Ensure your tour operator follows responsible wildlife tourism practices.
Dress Appropriately: Wear neutral-colored clothing to blend in with nature.
Stay Silent and Patient: Bears are cautious animals; silence increases your chances of seeing them.
Bring Binoculars and Cameras: A good pair of binoculars and a quality camera will enhance your experience.
Follow the Guide’s Instructions: Your safety and the well-being of the bears depend on it.
Book Your Brown Bear Observation Tour in Slovenia
If you’re looking for an extraordinary wildlife adventure, brown bear observation in Slovenia is a must. Experience the thrill of seeing these majestic creatures in their natural habitat while supporting sustainable tourism and conservation efforts.
Plan your trip today and immerse yourself in the wild beauty of Slovenia’s forests!
+386 41 393 494, Laris Zurga
Dodatne informacije
Trajanje (dni): 2
Cena na udeleženca: 400,00€ 360,00€
Paket velja od 01. 04. 2025 do 31. 10. 2025 in vsebuje:
2x nočitev v apartmaju z zajtrkom
2x 3h ogled rjavega medveda
3h delavnica preživetja v naravi
2-4 osebe
CENIK glede na število prijavljenih oseb:
4 osebe: 120 € na osebo / dan x 2 nočitvi z zajtrkom = 240€ / osebo
3 osebe: 140 € na osebo / dan x 2 nočitvi z zajtrkom = 280€ / osebo
2 osebi : 180 € na osebo / dan x 2 nočitvi z zajtrkom = 360€ / osebo
The package is valid from 01. 04. 2025 to 31. 10. 2025 and contains:
2 nights in an apartment with breakfast
2 x 3-hour viewing of a brown bear
3-hour survival workshop in nature
2-4 people
PRICE LIST depending on the number of registered persons:
4 people: €120 per person / day x 2 nights with breakfast = €240 / person
3 persons: €140 per person / day x 2 nights with breakfast = €280 / person
2 people: €180 per person / day x 2 nights with breakfast = €360 / person